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5 Chancery Lane, commercial barristers’ Chambers, is pleased to announce the addition of Dr Leonardo Raznovich, who has accepted an invitation to join Chambers as a commercial and chancery barrister and arbitrator as well as commercial mediator. Dr Raznovich’s experience in mediation and international arbitration is a welcome addition to Chambers strength for its HNW and commercial and international clients.

Dr Leonardo Javier Raznovich was Called to the Bar of England and Wales in 2010 and admitted as a lawyer in Argentina in 1995. He has gained experience across civil and common law jurisdictions in international arbitration and litigation. The former has involved government and corporate contractual disputes in the areas of oil and gas. Dr Raznovich has also gained experience in litigation in the areas of public and private law disputes. Dr Raznovich is a practising mediator, accredited by the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution in the UK.

Dr Raznovich holds law degree (LL.B.) since 1995. A master of laws (LL.M.) from Harvard Law School since 1997 and completed his doctorate degree (D.Phil.) from the University of Oxford in 2003. Dr Raznovich was also the Head of Law (2008-2010) and Principal Lecturer in Law (until 2012) at Canterbury Christ Church University in the UK and served as a Law Lecturer at the Truman Bodden Law School in the Cayman Islands until 2015. He is also a Honorary Visiting Senior Research Fellow of Canterbury Christ Church University in the UK and is coordinating along Professor Raúl Zaffaroni, Justice of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, a research in the Caribbean region to assess the socio-legal impact of the remaining sodomy laws in 11 countries in the region. This research is sponsored by the International Bar Association, the ILANUD and the Inter-American Human Rights Institute. Having accepted an invitation to join Chambers he is available to accept instructions from solicitors. More profile details to follow.



•Arbitration & ADR

•Civil Fraud

•EU Law

•Investment Banking




•Judicial Review

•Islamic Finance

•Business Law

•Directors Duties



•Chancery / Commercial


•Intellectual Property

•Public International Law

Instruct a Barrister

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